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Finding Your Angle: Lessons from Nathanael's Encounter with Jesus

Finding Your Angle: Lessons from Nathanael's Encounter with Jesus

Life often presents us with unexpected twists and turns, leading us down paths we never imagined. Such was the case for a friend of mine from Los Angeles, whose journey from high school stardom to a dark spiral of addiction and despair ultimately led him to a transformative encounter with faith. His story, like many others, highlights the profound power of making decisions and staying committed to them, even in the face of adversity.

The Turning Point

As I caught up with my friend through social media, I couldn't help but marvel at the dramatic shift in his life. From the depths of addiction and despair, he found solace and redemption in his newfound faith. When I asked him about the pivotal moment of change, his response was simple yet profound: "When I figured out that I wasn't alone."

Discovering Nathanael's Story

The narrative of Nathanael, also known as Bartholomew, one of Jesus' twelve disciples, offers insights into the power of perspective and perseverance. In the Gospel of John, we encounter Nathanael's initial skepticism when Philip announces the discovery of Jesus of Nazareth as the awaited Messiah. Nathanael's response, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" reflects not only his doubts but also the distorted perspective shaped by his experiences.

Perspective: Finding Your Angle

Nathanael's skepticism mirrors our tendency to let past experiences and preconceived notions cloud our judgment. Just as Nathanael questioned the possibility of good coming from Nazareth, we often question the potential for positive change in our own lives. However, behind every question lies a deeper inquiry—one that requires introspection and self-awareness.

The Power of Questions

In Nathanael's encounter with Jesus, we witness the transformative impact of asking the right questions. Jesus' response to Nathanael's skepticism—"Come and see"—challenges him to move beyond doubt and experience the truth for himself. Similarly, we must confront our doubts and uncertainties, allowing ourselves to see beyond the limitations we impose upon ourselves.

Pace: Finding Your Rhythm

Nathanael's journey unfolds at its own pace, echoing the importance of patience and perseverance in our own lives. Like Nathanael, we may find ourselves wrestling with doubts and uncertainties, but it is through steadfastness and faith that we ultimately find clarity and purpose.

Place: Embracing Transformation

Nathanael's encounter with Jesus culminates in a profound realization of God's presence and power. As Jesus references the vision of Jacob's ladder, Nathanael recognizes the divine significance of his encounter. Similarly, we are called to embrace the transformative power of faith, acknowledging that our trials and tribulations are but stepping stones on the path to spiritual growth.

In the journey of faith, we are often confronted with doubts, uncertainties, and challenges. Yet, it is through these struggles that we find strength, resilience, and ultimately, redemption. Like Nathanael, may we embrace the transformative power of faith, trusting in God's presence and guidance every step of the way. As we navigate life's complexities, may we find our angle, our pace, and our place in the grand tapestry of God's plan.

- Pastor Joshua Fabros

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